Monday, May 16, 2011

Foster Family Funness

Good Idea - After many many months of a necessary get together it finally happened!  The Foster's had a day of pure play.  The day was complete with a track meet, delicious creamery ice cream, a BBQ, and playing at the park.  We even got an unexpected surprise from Tami (Sean's sister from Washington)!  To Tami's credit, not only was she able to eat three massive scoops of ice cream topped with a sugar cone, but to the boys dismay, she flawlessly defeated them in a game of Lightning.    Consequently, Sean and I were so exhausted from the day we only made it as far as the Toast Grandma's on the way home.

Bad Idea - Once again I chose the wrong pair of shoes for the occasion.  However, I was not opposed to bare feet.  Also, I'm so sorry some of the photos aren't right side up.  They are on my desktop, but I can't seem to rotate them.  Sorry!

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